
West St James Tab

by Greg Macpherson

"West St. James" by Greg MacPherson from the album "Balanced on a Pin"

(no chord)    
I was already on the plane. 
I met a man from West St.James. 
We talked about the exposion at Orest's Barber Shop 
and St. James High School. 
I looked down at Saskatchewan 
Like a yellow-green tile floor we were standing on
"Did you know the West Coast is gonna fall into the ocean someday?"
He said, "My friend I hope you don't mind but I have to ask you, 
are you leaving behind something that's not worth coming back to? 
'Cause we're the same collection of faults and accidents 
no matter where we are." 

      Simpler down there 
      Simpler down there

She was a picture of frustration,

standing all alone in an empty bus station.
Another summer gone. 
After a seven hour delay in Saskatoon yesterday. 
I'm looking out at the clouds 
and we're flying over a storm and a dozen little farms. 
There's a fire station at the top of her street and three rinks where.

      Simpler down there 
      Simpler down there

 One leaves for something else to say. 
One looks around and walks away. 
One hour from now I'll be looking down at the rocky mountains.

 One leaves for something else to say. 
One looks around and walks away. 
One hour from now I'll be looking down at the Rocky Mountains.


      Simpler down there 
      Simpler down there
      Simpler down there