
Wild World Tab

by Joan Osborne

>From the 'early material' CD.



                   /   \ 
 how will we stay...
 /   / 

                           G --9---------------
                           D -----10-----------
                           A ---------10-------
                           E ---------------3--

but no one stops...

   /                 \ 
       and you think...


            /        \ 
||:  wild wild  world...

   /               \ 
       well we made...

   /                    \ 
       mmm   and I need...


 no oh   are you listening...

G -----------------------
D --2--/4--/5----/9------
A -----------------------

no  did you know...


end on  

 3  5  5  4  3  3 - G
 5  7  7  5  5  5 - Am
 8 10 10  9  8  8 - C
 7  9  9  7  7  7 - Bm
 0  2  2  0  0  0 - Em(0) (play with 3rd & 4th fingers)
 x  7  9  9  8  7 - 
10 12 12 11 10 10 - D

/ is a slide up
\ is a slide down
