
Trouble Tab

by Nevershoutnever

these tabs are terrible..
i swear... hehe
but seriously, i figured it out..
im not sure if its right,
but it sounds more accurate than
any other tab here

the chords are



and heres the lyrics

Verse 1

Im in trouble

I'm an addict

I'm addicted to this girl
Shes got my heart tied in a knot

And my stomach in a whirl
But even worse I can't stop calling her

She's all I want and more
I mean damn, whats not to adore?

I've been playin' to much gee-tar

I've been listenin' to jazz
I called so many times I think shes goin mad
And that cellular-er will be the death of us
I swear, I swear

the chorus
(just rake the strings here
And oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

Ooooh Oooooh
I'm running my mouth just like I got her
But I surely don't

Because shes so-o-o-o-o-o-o

And out of my league
Is she out of my league?
Lets hope not

the rest of the song is pretty much the same