
Devil Tab

by Staind

This is just the part Aaron Lewis is playing during pretty much the whole song.  And of
course as with all of his songs he is half a step down
(Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb).

| -----------0----0----0-----0-----0----0-----0----0-----0----0-----|
| -----------7---------10----------9----------7----------7----------|
| -----------7---------9-----------9----------7----------7----------|
| -----------x---------x-----------x----------x----------x----------|

|-----------0----0------------0----0-----0----0-----0----0-----0----0---- |
|-----------5----------4-5-4--2------2---2------2---2------2---2--------- |
|-----------5-----------------2----------2----------2----------2--------- |
|-----------x-----------------x----------x----------x----------x--------- |


| -------0----------0---- |
| -------9----------2---- |
| -------9----------2---- |
| -------x----------x---- |

You can figure out the picking pattern yourself, plus I wouldn't know how to tab a
rythm.  Try to throw some just picking of the top two strings open and if you play
with it enough you will get it.  Rate this if you would like.  I would like some
feed back because this is my first and it is actually the first song I've just
listened to and got for myself.  My name is J. T. and it won't show up on the
enjoy guys!!!!  Staind rocks!!