
Holy Holy Holy Tab

by Sufjan Stevens



Verse One

Holy,   holy,      holy!///      Lord God Al—might---y!

Earl--y in the  morn--ing   our song    shall      rise   to Thee;

There is a sign at the sight of thee, merciful and   might---y!

God      in  three Per--sons, God    in three Per--sons,  blessèd  
Tri         ni       ty!

Verse Two

Holy, holy, holy!    though the darkness hide     Thee,

Though the eye of  sinful  man    Thy  glory   may   not see;

Only Thou art holy;    there is none beside   Thee,

                     /         ///             
Per  -  fect in pow - er,  per - fect in pow - er,      in love and 
/ -     -     
pur   -     it   -     y.

Verse Three

Holy,   holy,      holy!///        Lord God Al—might---y!

All Thy works shall praise Thy Name, in earth, and     sky, and sea;

There is a sign at the sight of thee, there is none beside     Thee;

God      in  three Per--sons, God      in three Per--sons,    

God      in  three Per--sons, God      in three Per--sons,    

blessed     Tri   -    ni   -  ty!