
Baker Baker Tab

by Tori Amos

This is the music to Baker Baker by Tori Amos on her album "Under The Pink".
The chords are deffinitely accurate so don't worry. 

Baker Baker-Tori Amos

This is played slowly with a flexible tempo.
In the key of G# Minor
4/4 time

Chords: where G#m = 1 beat,   / = 1 beat

Verse: G#m / E(add9) / F#6 / B / C#(add9) / / / E(add9) / / / 

Bridge: Bmaj7/F# / / / E(add9) / / /  x3  then F# / / / E / / / 

Verse: Baker Baker...

Bridge: Here...

Cliff Seibel