
If You Were Mine Tab

by Anouk

Vind het een vet liedje en de andere chords kloppen niet helemaal die er staan, dus heb 
maar mijn eigen versie gemaakt. Capo moet op 2.


I lay my weapon down

Won´t fight no more
Tryin´to get you by my side
Though I have been in love before
But they could never
Take my clouds away

Babe if you were mine
I wont hestitate at all
You just let me know
I´ll be the one to catch your fall
Anything you need
Don´t keep me away
You make me so confused
The one I love loves someone else

Repeat it like the first couplet.
Don´t stop the music it feels good
It keeps my mind of me missing you
Keep the rain away
There is nothing for me here
Without you by my side

Chorus: just like the first one


Baby what´s it gonna be
Is it gonna be her or me
Tell me what I have to do
´cause I know that I´m good for you

Chorus again.

Babe if you were mine
If you were mine
Babe if you were mine