
Brothers In Arms Live Tab

by Dire Straits

Title: Brothers in Arms Live: Nelson Mandela Tribute Concert
Author: Mark Knopfler
Transcription by: Eddy Burns

This is the tab for the live version of Brothers in Arms at the Nelson
Mandela Concert. If you don't have a copy of this song go and visit 
can buy the concert on CD as well if you prefer.

It is the only version of this song worth having in my opinion. It is
probably the best guitar playing i have ever heard in my life.
Mark Knopfler just has magic in his fingertips. 

there might be one or two wrong notes in there but on the whole it 
if you listen to the song you should hear the timing, the notes here 
are correct.

If i don't know the note or if i'm unsure i'll put a '?' under the tab at it.



I indicate (approximatively) when to play what by putting lyrics fragments
under the tab. Bars are just here to provide convenient seperations,
not to indicate the beat.

 	-------------------|------------------|----------------------------- for me               ...lowlands          ...will be


 ...return to               ...farms arms



...destruction               ...of fire


...suffering             ...raged higher    bad


...and alarm		 ...Brothers in arms

the 11 is the note you bend, the note in brackets (13) is the note it should
sound like.



...worlds                  ...suns          world

Play an E chord before you start playing this solo below






play^^^^^^^^^very fast
 ...hell yeah    	   ...high


...farewell 		       ...die		   


...starlight                    and every line...


...fools to make war on our brothers in arms

Outro Solo below.





   ^shake violently

					   ???i think he flicks???????????? 
					   a toggle switch here	




		  ^tiny bend			 ^^^^^^^^^^^Flicks toggle 
						  switch again here???	





I'd like to thank Fiona for her contribution to this tab. Without her, 
it may not be here.

and tell me what you thought. I want to know what you think, if
it helped you at all, or if it was a complete waste of my time
tabbing it out. If no-one uses it i may never bother tabbing 
anything out again.