
Alone Apart Tab

by Glen Hansard And Marketa Irglova

Alone Apart (Marketa Irglova)
The Swell Season


How many times have I been here
How many times was I lost
And how many times I'd be lost in the sea
If you weren't there to rescue me 

We're sailing, sailing every night
We're drifting, drifting alone apart
Not to show that we're in need
But I'd heal your wounds if you bleed


How many times have I hurt you
How many times have you
And how many times I'd been on my knees
Begging, begging please 
forgive me 



Thank you for being so patient with me
I've been weaker than I ought to be
Despair and jealousy blinded my mind
And I couldn't see how you're trying for me.


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