
Shanty Tab

by Jonathan Edwards

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                         Shanty (Jonathin Edwards)

gonna sit down in the kitchen and fix me something good to eat
and make my head a little high and make this whole day complete
cuz we gonna lay around the shanty mama and put a good buzz on

well pass it to me baby, pass it to me slow
we'll take time out to smile a little before we let it go
cuz we gonna lay around the shanty mama and put a good buzz on

(piano solo)

well there ain't nothin' to do and there's always room for more

fill it, light it, shut up and close the door
cuz we gonna lay around the shanty mama and put a good buzz on

(harmonica solo)

we gonna sit around the kitchen fix us somethin' good to eat
and make ourselves a little high and make the whole day complete
cuz we gonna lay around the shanty mama and put a good buzz on
cuz we gonna lay around the shanty mama and put a good buzz on

submitted by:
	Charles Andrew Boyer
if anyone knows of other such services as Nevada, please