
Color Tab

by Misunderstanding Rage

This is a song by a band that isn't to popular yet. Hope it get's posted.

Band:Misunderstanding Rage
Song: Color...?
Posted by: Craig( da hood)


-244(5th string)
-355(5th string)

Rhythm:    XXXX               ( X= mute)

then Chorus

-466(5th string)
G#-466(6th string)
-244(5th string)
-244(6th string)

Rhythm:   XXXX      then   XXXX   

then it goes Dpower chord- 8x and then Apower chord 4x then riff:

Ever3Clear. Thanks.

Hey Ryan, Bryan,Adam, and Mike. Marcy(FRO), Jen(PMS), Shawna("DUHH")

Thanks boyz