
I Know You Well Tab

by Shack

Song-I Know You Well
Album-Time Machine
Writer-Mick Head

Feel of the song similar to Rain by the Beatles


Let me say how it could be
Cause I know you well and I feel it's alright

There's a plan to get you
And I know you well and I think it's alright
And I've gotta get it to ya tonight

Verse 2
Then I ringed to find you
Cause long it's such a long way to get back to
It's a new surrounding
And I know it well and I know it's alright
And I've gotta get the feeling tonight


The other day then
A drummer told me
That he was dreaming


Verse 3
Let me say how it could be
Cause I know you well and I feel it's alright
There's a plan to get you
And I know you well and I think it's alright
And I've gotta get it to ya tonight