
On The Streets Tonight Tab

by Shack

Song-On The Streets Tonight
Album-Here's Tom With the Weather
Writer-Mick Head

Forgive me for guessing on a couple lyrics.


Verse 1
Terrorist son you know he's a real hoodlum
He's on the run from the local solution
Eating cakes and the lodgers the tea route 
On the streets tonight

Verse 2
Suicide Pat you know she's a real trooper
She's got a gun and she knows how to use it
Getting rich and buys the room yea
On the streets tonight

Verse 3
Sammy and Patty well they disapprove so
They fell in love and things got confusing
Little daddy's gonna pay for the honeymoon
On the streets tonight

Oh, how we laughed
The priest and guests they clapped
Then the bride grabs the mic

Verse 4
Sticking outta bullet and the cake while they're eating
You know the phonies and you know the cheaters
Sweet dreams honey I'm leaving
On the streets tonight

I'm on the streets tonight


End on Bm