
Dragonfly Tab

by Sponge Cola


Artist: SpongecoLa

Album: Palabas

Track No: 11


Intro:  -  -  - 



Maybe I'm a little addicted

Maybe I just Can't get out of this

Maybe it is just too soon to say


I've seen you blow right past my window

You flew away and I was left inside

Without a clue



    But If you think that I am too stoned to write

    Don't think twice


Free your mind

Don't let me down

We'll find a way to make it go away (Repeat)

We'll find a way to make it go away

   (                (Intro Chords)
I'll make it go away

VERSE III: (Verse Chords)
I went ahead without direction
A form of semi-self-mutilation
Dragonfly collides with truth

VERSE IV: (Verse Chords)
Why can't you see me like I see you
Can't you feel me like I feel you
Can't you be with me tonight




ADLIB :        (2x)


OUTRO: ( Intro Chords)
I'll make it go away
[my dragonfly]


Xnxa n poh kc mkhang mLi ung adLib e hehehe... Rate it ha!!! asteej yn... knapa q Lng
poh yn... pro sna tma sa pdinig nu... unang tab q poh 2... hehehe.. I Luv kc ung songs
add nu nrn sa frendster.. dis is dean signing off!!! (tingtingtigtingting